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ST105 - Fire Warden (with Assessment)


The session covers workplace & fire hazard, responsibilities of the incumbent and responding to fire incidents and/or any form of incident and effectively manage emergency situations. 


1 Day


  • Gain knowledge & monitoring skills to oversee daily fire hazard & safety

  • Understand Fire Warden responsibilities during a an emergency.

  • Understand fire science, behaviour and response priority.

  • Demonstrate the use of PHHFE and fixed firefighting systems.

  • Ability to manage emergencies and prioritise response

  • Acquire skills for self-rescue during emergencies.

Intended Participants

ERT Members and/or as assigned by the Company.

Course Outline

  1. Fire Science, Fire Tetrahedron & Classes of fire

  2. Fire Spread & Suppression Techniques

  3. Range of Flammability (Flash Point, Fire Point & Spontaneous Combustion)

  4. Fire / Floor Warden – role, responsibilities & actions during emergencies

  5. Building Fixed & Portable Fire Suppression (PHHFE, Hose Reel, Fire blanket) : hands-on

  6. Method of Building evacuation & Self-Rescue Technique.

  7. Validation Test (MCQ)

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